• Your trust for a stable investment.

    Runjikap-Finq is an international financial company engaged in investment activities, which are related to trading on financial markets and cryptocurrency exchanges performed by qualified professional traders.

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    Read about us

    Trade with confidence

    RunjikapFinq Investment plans have a high daily return on investment. Our fund is managed by experienced professionals from around the world, and we invest in lucrative markets such as Gold, oil, and forex, bonds, stock exchange and crypto.


    First Goal

    Our goal is to make trading, profitable for newbies and the long term traders.


    Second Goal

    To see that our investors gain quick and instant access to their funds; using our automated blockchain payment system.

    Today's Cryptocurrency Prices

    Use the today's Cryptocurrency Pricing list by Market Cap to choose your investment plan.

    Our Investment Statistics

    Below are our current statistics on our most active deposit and withdrawal.

    Our Latest Deposit
    BNB $300.00 Kelvin Usher
    USDT $300.00 Daniel Lonard
    BTC $5000.00 Rebel cambell
    USDT $4500.00 Williams AS parka
    BTC $50000.00 zaid kamar khan
    Our Latest Withdrawals
    ETH $500.00 Blessing Yusuf
    BTC $1000.00 Akash Ismail
    USDT $45680.00 kamram
    ETH $27450.00 mehjabeent
    Ultra Token $350.00 ozlem_dmrr
    ETH $128221.00 jackson micheal

    Getting started is easy


    Choose an investment plan and register


    Make payment to the specified address and wait for the duration period.


    Withdraw your capital by applying from your dashboard using our automated blockchain payment system.

    Total Investors

    since consception


    Total Deposits

    since consception


    Total Withdrawal

    since consception


    Ready to get started?

    Global access to exciting investment plan from a single account